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Brandon Vincent's Weblog Posts

Fantasy Outlook posted on 11/28/2008

Go ahead, ask me why I'm a consistent top performer in Fantasy Football.  I don't mind, in fact I'll tell you anyway.  I am a great Fantasy Football manager.  I started playing in 05 and won that year, challenged the winner 06, lost in the semi's in 07 after a 12-2 start, and I'm currently first this year after starting 0-3. 

Well it all starts with your intial draft but it doesn't end there.  I try to tell my members that you have to play serious every week.  You can't take anything for granted.  If you have a player that killed in one week, you still have to take into account what his matchup is this week along with any injuries.  You also have to stay on top of any other players that are out-performing your current players.  The NFL stands for Not For Long so a player can start to blossom at any point in the season. 

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Rival Weekend in College Football posted on 11/28/2008

Well its that time of year again in college football.  Rival Weekend.  Its where all team fans get to talk a little extra smack to that one guy who decided to become a fan of the team of the team you despise.  Living hear in South Carolina the rivalry between Clemson and Carolina couldn't be stronger.  I hear about and see it everyday.  Bumper stickers, hats shirts, and believe it or not tattoos too.  This is our rivalry.  You can argue which rivalry is the most competitive but really how can you prove that.  Can you honestly say that you love your team more than I love my team?  And on top of that can you say Notre Dame vs USC is a bigger rivalry than Clemson vs Carolina or one teams rivalry is bigger than another? 

How do you prove that?  I mean what statistical figure can you pull up to show this rivalry is stronger? 

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Hard Hitting or Baby Sitting posted on 11/26/2008
Is the league getting too soft on the quarterbacks and skill players?  I think they are with the fines and penalties lately being given to Giants Umenyora, one of the culprits this season.  I can understand a late hit, or even a malicious intent, but this was a textbook tackle and I think the league is, as usual, going overboard with their rulings.  I mean what kind of league are they trying to create?  And why do players get softer treatment than others?  Ok one might argue that the game is quicker and harder hitting than it used to be and that the quarterback's position is always at risk.  But what happened to a little backbone. 

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Carolina Panthers- At Their Finest: Playoff Bound posted on 11/26/2008

Despite Carolina's loss to the Falcons this week, Carolina is a shoe in for the playoffs and anyone who wants to say something bring it on (Atl, Na leans, Tampa boo!).  We are 8-3 and you can argue passing stats, defense or whatever but we know that the most important stat is the W.   There are only 2 other teams out there with better records.  While going over the upcoming schedule I can safely assume to take 4 out of the next 5.  Greenbay will be tough in Greenbay, but Carolina is too raw for Arod.  Denver is hit and miss and there running game is a crap shoot not to mention we got them at home. 

The Giants matchup is the one that worries me.  I haven't found too many discrepancies on this team and its at NY.  Watch this game close though, it could be a preview to the NFC Championship game.  I think we have the talent to beat them,  but Carolina has to come out of the gates swinging and swinging hard.  We can't sit on our hands as with Atl and Tampa.  It will definitely be a great matchup especially defensively.

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